Hello everyone it has been a while since I've decided to post anything mostly for the fact i don't have followers.
I know its kind of a general information forum, but it is about stuff i currently find interesting and today it is THIS
From the Japanese Nintendo web site we have 2 new colors announced for the 3DS. Personally i would have liked the white if it was a launch color and the pink i am considering for my daughter.
Another thing that apparently i had missed was that it is planned that Hulu Plus will also be a feature to come, so for those of us who don't have Netflix as i had covered on a previous post, or would rather watch other current cable TV series then this update is for you.
There was also recently a Metal Gear Solid 3D demo released last Thursday which is very much worth playing. It is the first time i have tried a MGS game and it was very fun. Also there was previously a Resident Evil and Mario and Sonic Olympics demo as well.
There is a whole bunch of other releases and updates but we'll save that for another time.
Secondly The Secret Life of Arrietty came out recently and it very good
as you've noticed i'm a huge fan of Hayao Miyazaki so i was not going to miss a chance of seeing this in theaters and i will most likely also buy it when it comes out on dvd.
Also i've been slowly pacing myself through reading Sidooh the manga i'll probably hurry it up though so i can start a new series though, i'll let you know how that goes.
That's all for now till next time. Peace Out!