Friday, January 13, 2012

So today i wanna talk about the Nintendo 3DS and what it can do(not why it sucked at launch).
(pre-launch Video)

Since launch Nintendo has added several features it had promised but didn't deliver right way, in my opinion they rushed the console and honestly it was the reason i bought it at launch. I was a little disappointed when i realized not everything was included at around $270 after tax i kinda did feel a little ripped off. But now that the price has dropped and Nintendo also felt like it owed its fans, those of us who got it early were rewarded with 20 free games not available to anyone else. aka. the Ambassador Program.

Anyway still top 3 reasons i would suggest owning one
1: Netflix ($8 monthly fee)
if you've never tried Netflix... GET TO IT!
1st month is free so why not at least try it.
2: Games. Now most of the 3DS games look and play great
but i mostly like the fact that its backward compatible both
with not only old DS games but Nintendo eShop DSi games
that can be downloaded or even imported from an old DSi system
if you had one.
My personal Favorite!
not only is it just a downloadable game for $4.99 but it allows you to
save your work either as an image or as an animation and exported to
your systems memory card where you can uploaded it to...
(that's my link by the way)
upload it to their web site, or mess around with it more on your
computer and use it for an even bigger project.
Note that the eShop is updated every Thursday although
thus far the releases have mostly been DSi games and most
have not been that great.

and finally reason 3: pre-loaded software
Right out of the box you have a crappy camera unless you have good
lighting both regular and 3D options, and recently updated you can
finally record 3D Video with it. By the way i would suggest buying
a 4GB SDcard instead of using the 2GB that is included. You also get
5AR cards Augmented Reality which can be used like this...
Link Vs. Hopkins!
the Question Mark card is also used to play pre-loaded games
you also get an AR game Face Raiders, Nintendo 3DS Sound
which can be used to play MP3's you upload to your SD card
Street Pass Mii Plaza which also contains a few games and has
recently been updated as well with new games and content etc.

ANYWAY the list goes on and on but for now it has gone on long enough. For me the 3DS is something that i get excited about and i mostly do use it everyday. It is designed so that you want to carry it with you wherever you go so that you can use all of its features.
Bottom line currently $169.99 NEW BUY ONE!!! It will only keep getting better.

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